Sunday, May 25, 2008

Field Trip

I got the opportunity to accompany Sunshine and her class on a field trip to a explore a beach.. it was wonderful... we frolicked in the water, climbed on the rocks and searched for shells, and rocks and animals. It was the absolute thing that I needed in my life, to attack the world with out a care in the world and take in everything in the moment. I didn't worry about work, I didn't worry about anything, I just lived in the moment, I remembered what it was like the last day of seventh grade...

Still after all these years, I love when coincidences like that happen- having the discussion about living in the moment and days later being given the opportunity to do that. Glad I got to experience both...


Stellaandthomas said...

Looks like great fun!

Are you ready for LOST tonight??

shamalam said...

I am.. but I am beat.. I was up until 1 am last night watching Sex in the City Season 2 and baking cookies.. hope I can make it until 11!